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Kontrakt warszawski zrealizowany

Mimo niesprzyjającej, zimowej aury ostatnia piątka autobusów przegubowych SANCITY 18LF LNG wyjechała w dniu dzisiejszym do Warszawy. Pojazdy już wcześniej pomyślnie przeszły odbiory techniczne. Wraz z tą dostawą zakończona została realizacja kontraktu na...

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Setny AUTOSAN w Rzeszowie

23 listopada 2023 r. ostatnie cztery SANCITY 12LF CNG zostały dostarczone do Rzeszowa. Wraz z dzisiejszą dostawą do stolicy Podkarpacia liczba autobusów AUTOSAN w rzeszowskiej komunikacji miejskiej przekroczyła okrągłą setkę. HSW S.A. Oddział Autosan 23 listopada...

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Visit of the Ambassador of Japan

On Wednesday, August 3, the representatives of the Japanese Embassy in Poland, headed by Ambassador Akio Miyajima, visited AUTOSAN sp. z o.o.They were accompanied by the Mayor of Sanok, Tomasz Matuszewski, and the President of the Management Board of SPGK Sanok,...

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Local Government Hydrogen Company

On Monday, July 25 this year a press conference was held at the headquarters of the National Fund for Environmental Protection in Warsaw, during which the Mayor of Sanok Mr. Tomasz Matuszewski, announced the establishment of the first Local Government Hydrogen Company...

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Cabin model 890 and 891

The interior meets electro-magnetic attenuation requirements of class B1, according to NO-06-A201 and NO-06-A200 standards. The interior is spatially and aesthetically finished and insulated with polyurethane foam. Thanks to heating, air conditioning and ventilation,...

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Container model 895

Technical compartment locates all systems and installations providing a comfortable and safety working conditions for the crew. Equipment of the operating compartment can be selected according to the purpose of the container. It is attenuated electromagnetically in B1...

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Container model 887

Machinery compartment is equipped with: air conditioner condenserelectric and combustion heatingfilter fancontamination recognition instrumentsanti-interference and network filterssapper equipmentdehumidifiermaintenance-free batteriesequipment cabinetfire-fighting...

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Przyczepa 496

Stanowi bazę do budowy Przyczepy STZ, która jest komponentem uzupełniającym Samochodu STZ (Samochód Transportowo‑Załadowczy), przeznaczonym do przewozu dodatkowej ilości rakiet systemu PATRIOT. Rakiety są załadowywane i rozładowywane z Przyczepy STZ za...

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Trailer model 496

It is the basis for the construction of STZ Trailer, which is a complementary component of the STZ Vehicle (Transport and Loading Vehicle), intended for transport an additional amount of PATRIOT rockets. Rockets are loaded and unloaded from the STZ Trailer by means of...

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Rail stock components

These elements are produced under contract with the manufacturers of final products operating in the railway industry, such as BOMBARDIER or ALSTOM. AUTOSAN holds all the qualifications required to produce such components, including the most restrictive welding...

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Railway sections

At the turn of the 19th and the 20th centuries, in the factory at that time operating under the name Sanok Wagon Factory SANOWAG railway wagons and trams were manufactured. In 21st century, these traditions have been reverted. The company's potential in this area has...

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Employee capital plans

what you should knowEmployee Capital Plans (PPK) is a common saving system for employees implemented in cooperation with employers and the state. It is a program thanks to which employees will accumulate additional funds for their future retirement. PKO Towarzystwo...

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Pracownicze plany kapitałowe

o czym należy wiedziećPracownicze Plany Kapitałowe (PPK) to powszechny system oszczędzania dla pracowników realizowany przy współpracy z pracodawcami oraz państwem. To program, dzięki któremu pracownicy zgromadzą dodatkowe środki na przyszłą emeryturę. W uzgodnieniu z...

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Authorized Service Stations

service supportList of authorized AUTOSAN bus service stations: PKS w Elblągu Sp. z o.o., Elbląg, Al. Grunwaldzka 61 (intercity buses) Bus Service Center Sp. z o.o., Gliwice, ul. Chorzowska 156j Głotech Sp. z o.o., Głogów, ul. Piastowska 5 (intercity buses) PKS Gorzów...

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